Kinetic Scrolling

Kinetic Scrolling for FP2


Kinetic scrolling is the combination of regular, drag-finger-on-screen scrolling with an additional movement after the finger is lifted off the screen. Based on how fast the finger was dragged on the screen, the duration, speed and deceleration of the additional movement can vary. This video shows kinetic scrolling in action on a Nokia Symbian touch screen phone. A notable difference from using a scrollbar is that when tapping and dragging, the list moves in the same direction that the user is dragging in, which is the opposite of how a scrollbar works. For a scrollbar, when one drags down the list moves up, for kinetic scrolling when one drags down, the list also moves down – it feels more natural this way.
Advanced kinetic scrolling implementations also feature „bounce” and „overshoot”: in the first case the scrollable elements bounce off the scroll area's edge once the scroll bar reaches the end, while in the second case one can scroll past the end of the scroll area and it will exhibit drag resistance and snap back into place when released.
Recent Symbian OS touch screen phones feature kinetic scrolling prominently in the user interface, but surprisingly Qt apps do not have it enabled by default. A fully featured implementation is still in the works for Qt version 4.8. Additionally there is a  back-port solution for Qt 4.6/4.7. In the mean time, a proof of concept implementation is available in the Qt labs under the name Flickable. The ideas in the latter example were used as a starting point for the simple kinetic scroller described in this article - QsKineticScroller. It can be used on any descendant of QAbstractScrollArea, including QScrollArea, QListView, QListWidget and QTreeView.

2. install it and restart your phone

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